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Presentation + Sky Tour
Astronomer in Residence

History of the Solar System

The histories of planets, moons, and asteroids orbiting the Sun are compared to the properties of known planets around other stars. Special emphasis will be given to the first 2.5 billion years of lunar history as a complement to Grand Canyon's history of the last 2 billion years. Long-term prospects for extraterrestrial life are assessed. Dr. Koerner will be Grand Canyon Conservancy Astronomer in Residence through November 4th, 2024. 

  • October 15, 2024
  • 7:00PM–8:00PM MST
  • South Rim Visitor Center Theater
Star Party - Telescope
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X3 A4585

Dr. David Koerner

Dr. David Koerner is an Emeritus Associate Professor in Astronomy and Planetary Science at NAU and an accomplished musician. He has conducted groundbreaking studies of planet-forming disks at NASA/JPL, co-authored a book on astrobiology, and developed innovative field courses combining astronomy and Earth history. He is a violinist and violist who performs with the Dark Sky Quartet and is also a featured pianist at the Grand Canyon Music Festival.