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National Park Service

Grand Canyon Speaks Podcast Released

In celebration of Native American Heritage month, Grand Canyon National Park is proud to announce the release of a new podcast series focused on Indigenous perspectives and the people who have called the canyon home since time immemorial.

GC Speaks Peeps

News Release Date: November 3, 2023
Contact: Grand Canyon Public Affairs Office, 928-638-7779

GRAND CANYON, Ariz. – In celebration of Native American Heritage month, Grand Canyon National Park is proud to announce the release of a new podcast series focused on Indigenous perspectives and the people who have called the canyon home since time immemorial. On November 3, 2023, the park released seven episodes of “Grand Canyon Speaks.”

During the summer of 2023, park staff created an interpretive program called “Grand Canyon Speaks,” which features live in-person conversations between park rangers and members from the 11 traditionally associated tribes of Grand Canyon. The program is one of many parkwide efforts to include Tribal members, voices, and culture in public outreach and education. Over 1,500 park visitors from all over the world attended the live events.

Interpretation staff then began recording the conversations for a podcast series so that even more people could listen to and benefit from them. Many episodes were recorded and seven were selected based on audio quality. All seven of the newly-released episodes were recorded live and usually in front of a live audience.

The Grand Canyon Speaks Podcast and in-person programming would not be possible without funding provided by Grand Canyon Conservancy. The voices heard on this podcast are participants from the Cultural Demonstration Program which is funded entirely by the Conservancy. Grand Canyon Conservancy’s revenue comes from visitor purchases and donations.

You can learn more about Grand Canyon Conservancy at

You can find all seven finalized episodes of Grand Canyon Speaks online at:

Or on the Apple Store at:

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Originally Published: 11-03-2023 Last Updated: 12-18-2023